Undoubtedly, she is!
But I AM forever the Queen! Bwahaha!
Enjoy the long weekend everyone!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Disability Insurance
People nowadays are investing their money with a disability insurance . Well, i am not familiar with this one, not until my mom told me about it. My uncle got really sick last year , and since he lives only with my aunt with no children, they thought of getting this insurance for security from Allsup. Allsup is a leading nationwide provider of financial and healthcare related services to people with disabilities. I should really start saving for our insurance too.
Posted by Peachy at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: web finds
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Litratong Pinoy - Tulay
Ngayon na lang ako muli nakasali .. pasensya at walang katapusan ang gawaing bahay ko. Nahirapan ako sa tema dahil wala akong maalala na tulay eh.. salamat, may kuha pala ako mula sa bakasyon namin sa Cebu nung nakaraang taon. Kuha ito mula sa aking kinauupuan sa shuttle bus.
Maligayang huwebes sa lahat..
Posted by Peachy at 7:30 AM 8 comments
Labels: Litratong Pinoy
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Dominique turned 6 months old last Monday ! Actually, it was only that same morning when i remembered her day.. Bad mommy! So later that day, we just went to SM for dinner , and as usual we had a pizza and pasta night at Avenetto. Didn't brought along our camera because I dont have any space at the bag anymore. This is the reason why i wanna get myself a point and shoot LOL (another excuse to shop , hahaha! i want an external hard drive too ).. Since its just me , Gelo and the kids who usually go to the mall, i cant manage to carry another bag aside from the diaper bag . Our precious DSLR needs to be in its own bag opkors! LOL!
Anyway, back to my little big girl .. she's still overweight , and toothless LOL! Im on a panic mode because Joaqui had his first set when he was just 4 months old. Oh well, its not the same with all of your kids talaga. I just need to wait furthermore. We will visit her pedia too for a check up..any guess on her weight? Her last was 8.3 kilos (march 28?) . Oh, and i cant help but feel excited to start her with solids!!! Weeee!! Another mommy duty in the morning! Wish me luck!
Posted by Peachy at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: all about dominique, web finds
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The stock market is something that i really need to analyze well. I am not really knowledgeable on this market since I wasn't exposed to this during my school life and with my short stint at work. It was only then that i tried gaining knowledge since my husband got a few shares at their company. I would read articles online and check the stock market once in a while, but i admit that i dont fully absorb everything. It is so helpful that I got this tool from stock options , its like managing your covered calls in a portfolio. I still have to read more about it at their website , but this is a better option for me than having nothing at all. Hopefully i'll get the hang of it by next week.
Posted by Peachy at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Pumpkin Patch
Thanks to my HS friend C for sharing this brand to me. She tole me about their current sale for little girls, of course, I quickly checked the site. Pumpkin Patch has premium clothing for boys and girls which i find a bit expensive than the ones I usually get from ON. Hahah! Its more like Gymboree I guess, and my friend told me that the material of PP is even better than Gymbo. Wee , that got me excited to check what's on sale. I have stuff at my cart for the little girl(who is a size 12M now! goodness!) , but im still thinking if i'll go shopping again. here's a few that i like..
Posted by Peachy at 7:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: shopping for princess
Pony crazy
pony crazy
i showed this to my sister and she told me that she didnt like this style:( oh well.. i like it though, but i guess its not for my lil girl since she has no size available. this would greatly match her shoes thats why i fell in love with it. might as well wait for it to hit the outlet stores , i just wish this will be available at such a cheapo price. good luck! i might as well check some other styles, they have a private sale on going
Posted by Peachy at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Organic Choice
I've been looking for some coffee alternative for my mom and dad , since their doctor said that they should cut down their coffee intake. So I asked a few friends from the medical field and they told me that there's a lot of organic choices in the market now like the kava kava. I hurriedly checked it online and i found it out. I first read about its origin , and contents and yes, it originated from kava roots which is really popular in Hawaii. It also grows in Thailand according to the website. I got their basic package for now, so my parents can try it out. And knowing me, i just ordered it online so it will be delivered at my parents house directly. Hopefully they will have great feedbacks on this so we can try ordering some of the kava products too .
Posted by Peachy at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: web finds
soccer shoes for girls
Eversince his brother started with Soccer for Summer, i would often think on what sport would i enroll my princess soon. What would she like? Where would she show interest? Should we also let her try soccer like his big bro? And what would she wear??
And so i checked Zappons for girls soccer shoes, and im not disappointed with what i saw..
Posted by Peachy at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: shoegal, shopping for princess
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Introducing solid foods
i found this from Baby center.. and i find it really informative even for 2nd time mom like me..
How will I know when my baby's ready?
Your baby will give you clear signs when he's ready to move beyond liquid-only nourishment. Cues to look for include:
• Head control. Your baby needs to be able to keep his head in a steady, upright position.
• Losing the "extrusion reflex." To keep solid food in his mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth.
• Sitting well when supported. Even if he's not quite ready for a highchair, your baby needs to be able to sit upright to swallow well.
• Chewing motions. Your baby's mouth and tongue develop in sync with his digestive system. To start solids, he should be able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow. As he learns to swallow efficiently, you may notice less drooling. He may also be teething around the same time.
• Significant weight gain. Most babies are ready to eat solids when they've doubled their birth weight (or weigh about 15 pounds) and are at least 4 months old.
• Growing appetite. He seems hungry — even with eight to ten feedings of breast milk or formula a day.
• Curiosity about what you're eating. Your baby may begin eyeing your bowl of rice or reaching for a forkful of fettuccine as it travels from your plate to your mouth.
Posted by Peachy at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Education online
Have you heard about Capella University? I was doing some research about online college courses because I want to learn more about other industry like information technology when I stumbled upon this leading university online. They offer graduate degree programs such as public safety, public health, education, human services and a lot more, and they are fully equipped with well experienced faculty and staff. Capella University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission so you are guaranteed that you are getting the best with education. I might consider enrolling in one of their programs, I just need to finalize what would I pursue. I really wanted to make the most out of my time here at home, and when Im not busy attending to my kids anymore, I would definitely get an online degree.
“This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com.Posted by Peachy at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: web finds
high school life
THINK BACK TO 4th year high school… Let’s see how much you remember and how much you regret..
What section were you? Faith ( i think thats section 1 since we have the first honor with us hehehe)
Who were your seatmates? This one I cant remember..
Still remember your English teacher? Yes, Ms. Carual
What was your first class? English
Made friends to the lower years? Yeah, i have a few
How was your class schedule? 7 am til 3:40 pm
Made any enemies? Minor ones lang, nothing major really
Who was your favorite teacher? Our class adviser, Mrs. Carag
What sport did you play? None. I'm not sporty eh
Were you a party animal? Yes:)
Were you well known in your school? Hmm, I would say yes. I usually join contests (and win) , and Im an honor student ..naks!
SKIP CLASSES? Never. You cant go out kasi eh
Did you get suspended/expelled? Never.
Can you sing the alma mater? Yes:)
What was your favorite subject? Physics
Did you go to the dances? yes.
Where did you go most often during breaks? Kiosk and Canteen hahah
What did you do on the last day of school? Went out with friends
Posted by Peachy at 8:08 AM 0 comments
4 jobs i have had:
Cadet Engineer / Production Supervisor
Tech Support Representative
Account Manager
Wife and Mommy :)
4 movies i watched over and over:
Romeo and Juliet
White Chicks
The Devil Wears Prada
Somewhere in Time
4 shows I watch:
Blues Clues
Local News
4 places I have been:
Today.. been to the mall :)
inside the house.. kitchen , dining and now im at the living room:)
4 places I would rather be:
In California to be with my family
Shang Mactan .. i cant wait
bedroom so i can sleep
cafe breton to have my la pinay
4 things I look forward to this year:
Our trip to Shang Mactan
Joaqui's 3nd birthday
Ricca's vacation here in manila
My big day in november:)
Posted by Peachy at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Wedding Favors etc
The month of June is just a few weeks away, and as you all know, it is a peak month for weddings. I myself is a June bride and I remember how I scout for suppliers a year before the wedding . I started early because I try to avoid cramming at all. I went to different bridal fairs and even search online. It didn't fail me though. We had unique personalized wedding favors distributed to our guests on our wedding day, its something simple but elegant, not to mention that i got it at a very good price. Now that my daughter is turning one soon, i am starting to look online for some party favors. Hopefully I can get something cheap and nice too.
Posted by Peachy at 7:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: web finds
Monday, April 20, 2009
Busy busy me
I am still swamped with housework , tasks here and there.. errands to run etc.. Add to that, i have to work online til late at night for some pending assignments. By the time i hit the sack, i am dead tired. Still helpless now around the house, and i am thankful that the husband is so supportive of me. At my free time , i plan to arrange some of pics at my PC , then il have everything copied at a CD for filing. I've been taking lots of pics lately, i am so lazy to organize it. Wish me luck! Til next time.
Posted by Peachy at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friendship Award

Passing this to Kathy , Abie , Jacqui , Mich , Jody , Aggie and Kelly.. hope to see you soon pretty moms!
Posted by Peachy at 8:20 PM 0 comments
look at her now
Before i even talk about her party preps here, need to finish first with some life insurance lead inquiries that i got through email. Til next time
Posted by Peachy at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Labels: all about dominique, web finds
I TALK A LOT WHEN I GET NERVOUS: I am actually in silent mode when nervous.
I’M AFRAID OF THE DARK: At most times, yes.
I’M AFRAID OF FACING MY BACK TO OPEN DOORS AT NIGHT: Yes. The act of going down the stairs at night frightens me already.
I CAN’T SLEEP IN A ROOM IF THE CLOSET DOOR IS OPEN: Yes. Im OC with those small things.
I’VE STAYED OUT ALL NIGHT: Yes. During my college days at Mapua when we need to finish reports or case studies.
I WATCH THE NEWS: Sometimes.
Posted by Peachy at 8:43 AM 0 comments
I previously blogged about my cousin in law who will soon be opening a medical clinic at their place. She is almost done with the basic equipments that she'll be needing . Some furnitures were also delivered yesterday such as some couches and corner tables for the receiving area. Basic supplies such as blood pressure monitor , Diebetes monitor and test strips, kinesio tape , pediatric tools etc were also delivered. I helped her with ordering some items online since most items were on sale. I can't wait for it to be fully operational. Im sure, with her expertise in the medical field, she will have lots of patients everyday.
Posted by Peachy at 8:41 AM 0 comments
q and A
1. complete this phrase: "if only i could..
4. first thing you thought about this morning when you woke up?
5. do u ever wonder why the sky is blue?
6.Did you ever try to skip meals?
7. lights on or off?
9. are you afraid of the dark?
10. favorite hangout/s?
11. people you can't live without?
12. what are your plans for tonight?
13. favorite song when you're sleepy?
14. Do you love someone, right now?
::of course.. my family!
15. are you a giver or a taker?
Posted by Peachy at 8:30 AM 0 comments
randomness grabbed from Kathy
1. What are you looking forward to in the next next month? :: my 30th!
2. Where's the last place you went besides home? :: Meralco Football Field for my son's soccer class
3. Would you ever change for a boy/girl? :: hmmm maybe
4. Is there anyone that you wish was out of your life? :: yes
5. Were you happy when you woke up today? :: yes I was!
6. Happiest moment of 2009 so far? :: just last week when my son turned 3
7. Have you ever asked a boy for advice? :: yeah
8. Do you have a gay friend? :: a few during high school and college
9. Do you lie about your age? :: nope
10. Describe your life for the past month in one word? - busy ( at home and reading about phenphedrine reviews hahaha)
Posted by Peachy at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: web finds
Cancun hotels
I think I'll never stop looking for hotel / resort accommodations for this year. How I wish that it's for me and my family, but its actually for my sister who is scheduled to have a few short vacations this year. Well, most are just weekend getaways at some cities and states near their area. But she is also hitting the beach by summertime , so she's asking me to help her look for cancun hotels. She's thinking of El Dorado Seaside suites, as she wants something that is really overlooking the water. However she is still open to some other options that would fit in her budget. She's looking for a regular sized rooms , overlooking a body of water, a yummy food , and great hotel facilities. If you can come up with something, let me know too.
Posted by Peachy at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: travel and trips, web finds
Clearer ..
Do you know where I can find the best acne treatment that won't cost a fortune? My cousin needs it asap because he suddenly had a breakout eversince summer started. I guess its because of the change in his sleeping schedule. He's been sleeping late , or should i say , he usually sleeps when the sun is up, and he's enjoying every bit of summer. Now , his skin is acting weird . I saw some products online already , hopefully it will do wonders on his skin .
Posted by Peachy at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: web finds
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Kuya Joaqui
Happy Birthday Kuya! Thank you for welcoming me in the family with so much joy.
I love you !
Your princess,
Posted by Peachy at 8:46 AM 1 comments
Labels: family life, joaquins world, kiddos
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Crazy 8
I think it was last year , when i went gaga shopping during a Big Sale at Gymboree that I received an email from Crazy8.com, a store that's a part of the Gymboree Group and it offers really nice clothes for kids. My high school classmate who is now based in USA also recommended this brand to me. SO the shopaholic that I am signed up for their newsletter, and i went crazy because they gave me a welcome treat. $10 less $30 purchase !!! Wee! I am so tempted. You may think that my girl has a lot of clothes already, but goodness, she has gotten big that I need to stock up badly :)
They have items now marked to 50% off and of course, I am this.close to placing it at my cart.
For my boy :
Shirts for the lil girl
I am giving myself til the weekend to decide if i will grab their welcome offer. Things like this are just so hard to resist, it's like those food that i am so dying to it, but i have to turn my back on it since im on a diet. Yeah, right! Soon i will take some atro phex so i dont have to diet myself.
Posted by Peachy at 9:08 AM 1 comments
Labels: shoppa momma, web finds