Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday Thunks

1. Do you like potatoes? What kind? - yes. baked potatoes and french fries

2. If you were dressed up in a fish costume and you went underwater and a shark saw you, what would you do? - swim???

3. Does Jello make you happy? - yes :)

4. If you could have any animal, exotic, extinct or other type, what would it be? - sorry, but im too afraid of animals

5. Would you fill up a pool with pudding and jump in? - nope. why would i do that?

6. When you are feeling icky with the sickness feeling, what is your first choice for feel-better medicine? - anything that would give me a fast relief. my tolerance for pain is soooo low.

7. Do you count with your fingers or in your head when it comes to mathematical equations? - both!

8. Do you have any key chains on your keyring? How many? What kind? - A koosh keychain for housekeys.

9. What do you dunk your french fries in? - mayonnaise is my fave

10. When I say "Moo I'm a duck" do you think of a cow or a duck? - cow :) LOL

11. If you had the chance, would you go to the very bottom of the ocean? - yeah, why not?

12. Would you rather be spiderman or batman? - spiderman

13. Would you rather be in a hurricane or a tornado? - hmm. tough one. none of the above :)

14. Do you like pumpkin pie? Do you cheat and buy a premade one or do you make it from scratch? Heck, do you even make pumpkin pie at all? - i dont eat a pumpkin pie.

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