Friday, November 7, 2008


I had a good 8 hours of sleep last night. The first time since I gave birth and I am so grateful to Gelo.

It was around 11:30 pm when I went to bed with Joaqui, while Dominique and Gelo stayed at the living room. Little girl was sleeping at her crib then , while the dad watched some of his DVD's to keep himself awake (the reason why he wants to get some home theater seating soon). MY initial plan was JUST to put Joaqui to sleep then catch up with my online tasks and do a little bloghopping too. But I never realized I would be at Dreamland in no time.

I woke up at 3am , I almost jumped off the bed after realizing that I was asleep for 3 hours :) I looked at the table where I placed the laptop (and yeah, I left it turned on) , and its not there anymore. Hahaha! So I just climbed back to bed and enjoyed my much- deserved sleep :)