Friday, February 13, 2009

weight loss

It's been 3 months after I gave birth, and even until now, I can say that I haven't loss much weight. My appetite became high post pregnancy, it seems that until now, Im still eating for two. I got alarmed when last week, I was trying to fit in my old dress, and yet I look fat. Exercising kept me busy during mornings. I really need to shed off some pounds. Aside from that, a little cut down on sweets would make my diet better. I think its one of the culprits why I still look big. Eating healthy foods is what Im into now. If things will turn out slow , I might start on clinicallix , a diet pill that can aid me in losing weight. Its proven to be effective and safe by a lot of people who already tried it. It comes in a biggie size of 300 capsules, and that can really save me a lot of money. I can't wait to start in this weight loss program of mine, my first goal is just 10 lbs and i know that its an easy thing to achieve.